Tag: door county

Crane Symposium
Crane Symposium Join us for a weekend in celebration of Wisconsin Cranes! Saturday, April 12 @ 5:30 am-7:30 am – Midwest Crane Count Saturday, April 12 @ 8 am-9 am […]

Kids Birding 101 Hike
Kids Birding 101 Hike Interested in birding as a family? Join us for a fun program where kids will learn the basics of bird watching, including how to identify some […]

Chick Chats Story Hour
Chick Chats Story Hour Bring your budding birders and naturalists to a Chick Chats Story Hour! Join Ridges staff to read stories and learn about why sandhill cranes make the […]

Crane Symposium Keynote Reception & Presentation
Crane Symposium Keynote Reception & Presentation Visit us at The Ridges for a reception to see artwork by photographer Len Villano highlighting Sandhill Cranes found in Wisconsin. Drinks and light […]

Crane Nest Habitat Hike
Crane Nest Habitat Hike Join Naturalists Jane Whitney and Julie Knox on a hike to a potential crane nesting habitat to learn more about what makes the wetlands of Door […]

Crane Nest Habitat Hike
Crane Nest Habitat Hike Join Naturalists Jane Whitney and Julie Knox on a hike to a potential crane nesting habitat to learn more about what makes the wetlands of Door […]

Crane Nest Habitat Hike
Crane Nest Habitat Hike Join Naturalists Jane Whitney and Julie Knox on a hike to a potential crane nesting habitat to learn more about what makes the wetlands of Door […]

Crane Count Breakfast Social
Crane Count Breakfast Social Crane Counters: Join us for a Breakfast Social at The Ridges Nature Center after an early morning counting cranes. Share sightings and connect with other Crane […]