The Ridges Sanctuary

Preservation, Education, and Research

Category: Blog

Nature Notes: The Impact of Ice

Posted on Jan 27, 2022 by Jeanne Farrell   No Comments Yet | Posted in Blog · Nature Notes · Ridges Outpost

By Anna Foster For Door County, the new year signals a return to ice in Green Bay and the cold days of January and February (and March, although we don’t want to admit it to ourselves just yet). The frozen landscape that the ice creates brings ice fishing, skating, cross country skiing, and snowmobiling to [..Read more]

Meet Katie and Andy

Posted on Aug 30, 2021 by Katie Krouse   No Comments Yet | Posted in Blog · Featured · Uncategorized

In May 2021, The Ridges Sanctuary Board of Directors announced the appointment of our new senior leadership team, Andy Gill, Executive Director and Katie Krouse, Director of Operations. In this Q&A, Andy and Katie share thoughts about their roles and what they look forward to at the Ridges:   Tell us a bit about your [..Read more]